
Stranger Sent Me Money On Paypal

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  • #ane
Yeh, so this morning some dude sends me similar 30 bucks on PayPal, at first I'm like this is scam email or something, so I logged directly into PayPal and BAM 30 bucks. So I'm like it must be an accident since my email is my first.last and I become a ton of emails from my "others" all the time, and so the dude emails me that he sent it past accident and could I refund it dorsum to him. I didn't respond or anything, but I googled this and found some scam stories where they try to go the refund and and then also chargeback?

So I'1000 like, whatever, I'll bargain with this later, so BAM, I got just another another 70 dollars now, and and so the same e-mail. Should I delete all my paypal info? Am I fucked?

Yung Coconut
  • #iii
Just change your paypal email address, go along the money, and contact Paypal nigh information technology before the guy tries to practise some kind of chargeback or something.
  • #4
Don't touch those funds, contact PayPal.
  • #5
I recommend calling Paypal and shutting down the power to receive money unless you are actively selling something online, and inquire them what to do.
  • #7
You're already dead.

Real talk, information technology'south probably a scam. The best affair to do would probably be to contact PayPal.

  • #8
Don't touch those funds, contact PayPal.

virtually reasonable answer. dude might make a accuse back and effort to go an actress 30 back. Permit the guy know you've contacted paypal and they'll sort it out.
  • #10
Let Paypal know what's going on.

It's not great to have these transactions hanging over you, as they normally go you back later, and it'south more of a headache than a short term do good at present.

  • #eleven
Y'all ship him 30, and he pulls some technicality to become his xxx back. Sounds like a scam.
  • #12
Does sound like a scam, chargeback thing.

Contact PayPal or keep the money. But don't give it back.

  • #13
Don't impact those funds, contact PayPal.

Hither'south the best advice. Do non fifty-fifty try and communicate with these persons. Contact PayPal. Let them handle information technology.
  • #14

What coin?
  • #15
send coin to me. I will impale this homo for you lot
  • #16
Don't touch those funds, contact PayPal.

And nosotros're done here.
  • #17
Report it to PayPal attach a copy of the emails the scammer sent yous.

Don't engage with them.

  • #xviii
So I did talk to someone on PayPal, and im like this sounds like a scam and the guy sounded similar a friggin moron, he'due south similar information technology happens all the time, and that he tin can refund information technology for me if that'll make me feel better. I'chiliad similar, yous friggin idiot, these dipsticks aren't getting a damn cent on my watch. Jeez, maybe I'll attempt and talk to some one else.
  • #19
This happened to me on Venmo.
  • #20
Yeh, and so this morn some dude sends me like 30 bucks on PayPal, at first I'm like this is scam email or something, so I logged directly into PayPal and BAM xxx bucks. Then I'm like it must be an blow since my email is my first.last and I get a ton of emails from my "others" all the time, then the dude emails me that he sent it by blow and could I refund it dorsum to him. I didn't reply or anything, but I googled this and institute some scam stories where they attempt to get the refund and so also chargeback?

So I'yard similar, whatsoever, I'll deal with this subsequently, then BAM, I got just another another 70 dollars at present, and then the aforementioned electronic mail. Should I delete all my paypal info? Am I fucked?

If you're in the Us, file a police force report, get a copy of said report, contact Paypal, send them any communications you've received from the sender, a re-create of the police report, and go from there. Do Non brand contact with the person(s) sending you money. I've worked this instance earlier. Someone has Most Probable used a stolen credit card to ship you money, and want information technology refunded so it's clean. Basically coin washing scam.

Whenever the victim has file a complaint, that money you lot received is getting taken out of your business relationship, regardless if you've refunded it to the scammer or not. DO NOT REFUND them that money.

  • #21
Written report dorsum here after you resolve this with PayPal. I'm curious what they say and do.
  • #22
Do Non remove the money. I've had chargebacks before and they fucking charge you like £17 per chargeback.
  • #23
Congrats op you are now a laundromat. Scam.
  • #25
Didn't know this was a new scam. Will be watching out now.
  • #26
If you're in the USA, file a police report, get a re-create of said report, contact Paypal, send them whatsoever communications you've received from the sender, a copy of the police report, and get from in that location. Practise Not make contact with the person(s) sending you money. I've worked this instance before. Someone has Nigh LIKELY used a stolen credit card to send you lot coin, and want it refunded and then information technology'due south clean. Basically money washing scam.

Whenever the victim has file a complaint, that money yous received is getting taken out of your business relationship, regardless if you've refunded information technology to the scammer or non. Exercise NOT REFUND them that money.

Thanks for the info, dammit this is gonna be headache. Shit, and yeh I'grand not touching the money, fml all I wanted to do today was watch incredibles.
  • #27
Didn't know this was a new scam. Will be watching out now.
It'southward not new. I worked this same instance about 10 years ago.
  • #28
Thanks for the info, dammit this is gonna be headache. Shit, and yeh I'm not touching the money, fml all I wanted to practice today was watch incredibles.
Aye it's a PITA for sure. Impress out your paypal info, marker out any emails or other numbers/ID's that aren't your name and address that will already be on the law report. When yous send stuff to paypal, you can send them the info they already have. I just wouldn't give it to the police. I didn't crave it and didn't take any issues with Paypal being able to associate the complaint given to me, with their customer information. If the police or paypal tell you anything different, let me know.
  • #29
F34R is an ex cop btw if anyone was wondering.

What he said makes sense. Listen to F34R and follow his advice.

First time I've heard of this.. It's pretty smart. Smarter than the usual lose to yourself on poker method at to the lowest degree lol

  • #30
If you're in the USA, file a police report, get a re-create of said report, contact Paypal, send them whatsoever communications you lot've received from the sender, a copy of the police force report, and go from there. Do Not brand contact with the person(south) sending you money. I've worked this case before. Someone has Most Probable used a stolen credit card to ship y'all coin, and want it refunded and then it'south clean. Basically money washing scam.

Whenever the victim has file a complaint, that money you received is getting taken out of your business relationship, regardless if you've refunded it to the scammer or not. Practise Not REFUND them that money.

If the police department gives a shit.
  • #31
are we able to disable the ability to receive money?
  • #32
If the police section gives a shit.
True. One of the all-time ways to get them to write something up at least is to tell them yous demand the report for Paypal and the banking concern; even if you don't need it for the banking company. A white prevarication in this case is acceptable. ;)
  • #33
I remember reading about this earlier.Its a chargeback scam

Always wondered What happens if you spend that money?

Report back here later on y'all resolve this with PayPal. I'chiliad curious what they say and do.

  • #34
Link your paypal account to a burner debit card, spend the money in the paypal account, they won't be able to pull funds from the burner card you have similar $one or any on, then leave the country before debt collectors outset calling a make a new life for yourself overseas. Your wellness insurance will be cheaper at to the lowest degree
  • #35
Keep the money and get out the country.
  • #36
True. One of the best means to get them to write something up at to the lowest degree is to tell them you lot need the report for Paypal and the banking concern; even if you don't need it for the bank. A white lie in this case is acceptable. ;)
Adept insight on this scam. Never saw it before merely it makes sense. Thank you.
  • #37
Expert insight on this scam. Never saw it before simply it makes sense. Thanks.
I've unfortunately had to piece of work some terrible scams on unwitting elderly people. It'south hard to catch these people as well.
  • #38
are we able to disable the ability to receive money?

Aye id like to know this too.
  • #39
Its a scam. Stolen credit card. When you lot send the coin back, information technology looks like a new transaction. You consume the money when the stolen credit carte du jour has a chargeback, he spends information technology on a gift menu or something
atomsk eater
  • #41
Aye just contact PP and don't touch on it. I woke up once to encounter $55 had been sent to me, and $50 had been taken out somehow (I forget if it was some kind of chargeback or if information technology looked like it had been sent from my business relationship). I inverse my countersign and contacted PP, never heard about it once more.
  • #42
F3AR is a cop, they're trying to get you to surrender your PayPal info so they can get y'all for tax evasion! This rabbit hole goes deep don't permit them catch you lot slipping!
  • #43
F3AR is a cop, they're trying to get you to give up your PayPal info and so they can get you for revenue enhancement evasion! This rabbit hole goes deep don't let them catch y'all slipping!
Hey, y'all're right that's probably .. await a minute, OP never said he was evading taxes.
This is your ERA business relationship, F3AR, isn't it? Don't answer him, OP, he's request yous leading questions!
  • #44
Just change your paypal email address, keep the money, and contact Paypal about it before the guy tries to do some kind of chargeback or something.

And then OP could get in trouble? Yeah, don't accept this advice or anyone'due south that says the same thing, OP.
  • #45
So I'k like, any, I'll deal with this later, then BAM, I got simply another another seventy dollars now, then the same e-mail. Should I delete all my paypal info? Am I fucked?

Same e-mail every bit in same wording? Like it's a bot?

If it's an automatic laudering process, if do a google search on some text from the email you might get a match to other people having the aforementioned issue.

That'due south what I did at my old job when checking phishing and suspected scam materials.

  • #46
Buy some shit on eBay and send him the receipt.
  • #47
Hey, you're right that'southward probably .. expect a infinitesimal, OP never said he was evading taxes.
This is your ERA account, F3AR, isn't it? Don't answer him, OP, he's request y'all leading questions!

This person is trying to get you lot to uncertainty me merely I'm your only friend in this thread. DM where y'all go along your weed needles and I'll go make clean them up when F3AR arrests you.
  • #48
I had someone do this to me on Venmo a few months back. Simply call the company.
  • #49
F3AR is a cop, they're trying to go you to give up your PayPal info so they tin can get y'all for tax evasion! This rabbit hole goes deep don't let them catch you slipping!

Hey, you're correct that's probably .. wait a minute, OP never said he was evading taxes.
This is your ERA business relationship, F3AR, isn't it? Don't answer him, OP, he's asking you leading questions!

This person is trying to get you to doubt me but I'm your only friend in this thread. DM where you go along your weed needles and I'll go clean them up when F3AR arrests you lot.
I can't reply rationally yet because I'1000 cramping from laughing too much.
  • #50
And so I did talk to someone on PayPal, and im like this sounds similar a scam and the guy sounded like a friggin moron, he'south like it happens all the fourth dimension, and that he can refund it for me if that'll make me experience better. I'm like, you friggin idiot, these dipsticks aren't getting a damn cent on my lookout. Jeez, maybe I'll try and talk to some ane else.

Not certain if these are the steps you took to communicate with PayPal, just these are the steps they provide to report fraud:


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