
What Colors Work Best With Earth Tones

An world tone color palette is quite a popular choice for those looking for a more natural interior blueprint for their homes. However, earth tones are also important when creating a beautiful painting, or earth colors might even be someone's first selection when it comes to nail smooth. Earthy colors are all around the states and are more than merely shades of brownish. Then, to proceeds a better understanding, let the states discuss further what earth tones are and how you lot tin utilise them.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What Are the Globe Colors?
    • ane.1 The Meaning of Earth Tones
  • ii Popular Earth Tone Shades
    • 2.1 Dirt Brown
    • 2.2 Chocolate Brown
    • 2.3 Terra cotta
    • two.4 Espresso
    • ii.5 Dirt Color
    • ii.half dozen Khaki Colour
    • 2.7 Taupe Color
    • 2.8 Chocolate-brown Gray
    • 2.9 Drab Greenish Color
    • two.ten Rust Colour
  • 3 Best Globe Tone Colour Palette Combinations
    • 3.1 Complementary Colors
    • three.ii Coordinating Colors
    • iii.three Monochromatic Colors
    • iii.four Triadic Colors
  • iv How to Mix Earth Colors With Acrylics
  • 5 Earth Tone Color Schemes for the Dwelling
    • 5.1 Grey and Burnt Orange
    • 5.2 Clay Colors
    • 5.3 Taupe and Natural Elements
    • 5.4 Tips for Working With Earthy Tones in the Dwelling
  • half-dozen Frequently Asked Questions
    • 6.1 What Are the Earth Colors?
    • 6.ii Are Neutral Tones Also Earthy Colors?
    • 6.3 Will Earth Tones Ever Go out of Style?

What Are the Earth Colors?

The first color i thinks of when mentioning earth colors, are shades of brownish. Brown can be institute almost everywhere in nature from dissimilar kinds of nutrient, and copse to the soil or earth they are planted in. In the modern world, brown can also be found in fashion, cosmetics, as an earth tone color scheme for the home, or even various pare tones.

Earth Tones

World tones can also be associated with natural colors, and this ways more than simply brow, it includes green leaves, blue or grey skies as well as oranges, yellows, and reds, and call back beautiful sunset. This blazon of color palette is by and large warm, inviting, and nature orientated. However, many of the specific earth tones come up from dirt globe pigments, for example, umber, sienna, and ochre.

Shade Hex Lawmaking CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Umber #635147 0, xviii, 28, 61 99, 81, 71
Sienna #882d17 0, 67, 83, 47 136, 45, 23
Ochre #cc7722 0, 42, 83, xx 204, 119, 34
Brown #a52a2a 0, 75, 75, 35 165, 42, 42

Globe tones can also autumn under the term "neutral colors", which include black, white, brown, tan, beige, taupe, gray, and foam. Ultimately, an earth tone color palette is annihilation inspired by all things natural in nature. All colors found naturally outside can be considered a part of an earth tone color palette.

However, brown can be seen as the bases of your earth tone color scheme. Many consider globe colors every bit any of the natural colors blended with gray, which forms muted world tones. Equally tones always take white or black, or both mixed in.

And so, some might say the brighter or more vibrant reds, greens, and other colors may not reflect the truthful nature of earth tones.

Color theory also states that at that place are warm colors and absurd colors. The partition of these colors can be seen on the color bike, where the warm colors are on ane side, while absurd colors fill up up the reverse side of the color wheel. Nosotros accept already mentioned earth tones are mostly warm, as they contain crimson, orangish, and yellowish. Nevertheless, the cooler earth tones involve more of your bluish, green, and gray tones.

The Pregnant of Earth Tones

Every color has a pregnant and tin can have a psychological result on people, which is why interior decorators find the connexion and then interesting and use it to create specific color palettes. Colors tin affect the temper of a room, and some may even be able to elicit a physical response, for example, improving appetite.

Muted Earth Tones

Colors have both positive and negative attributes, and then you lot have to employ them wisely, not only for interior design just also for things similar marketing and advert. Colors tin play a role in affecting mood and beliefs; however, this is in general, and the experience may differ from person to person.

When considering earthy colors, they are generally seen every bit friendly, warm, reassuring, comforting, and welcoming.

Muted earth tones seem to have more of a calming effect as they are easy on the eyes. Globe tones are also seen as versatile and can pair well with whatever color. As we have mentioned, when thinking of earth colors, nosotros gravitate towards shades of brownish, which are warm as they usually have red, yellow, or orange undertones.

Pop Earth Tone Shades

About of these earth tones belong to the dark-brown family, but nosotros have likewise included i or two yellowish and green varieties. Many of these colors are besides well-known, for instance, chocolate brown, terra cotta, and khaki color.

Khaki Color Tones

Dirt Brown

The name is self-explanatory, the color of dirt or a shade of night, moderate orangish to be exact. This has a warm undertone and should work wonderfully with similar shades of blue, every bit orange and blueish are complementary colors.

These are colors located opposite each other on the visual color cycle.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Colour
Clay Chocolate-brown #836539 0, 23, 56, 49 131, 101, 57

Chocolate Brown

There are various shades of chocolate brown, and beneath you lot take a lighter shade and a darker shade. In reality, chocolate can be categorized into three primary colors, dark, middle, and white, which rely on the cocoa solids for the colour variations.

Shade Hex Lawmaking CMYK Colour Lawmaking (%) RGB Color Code Color
Chocolate #7b3f00 0, 49, 100, 52 123, 63, 0
Dark Chocolate #490206 0, 97, 92, 71 73, 2, 6

Chocolate Earthy Colors

Terra Cotta

This color is a well-known world tone and many acquaintance it with information technology existence a deeper burnt orangish and brow. Every bit with most colors, however, you lot can go diverse shades that range from red or pink undertones to peachy, tan, and grey undertones.

The terracotta spider web color below can be described equally being a soft red.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Lawmaking Color
Terra Cotta #e2725b 0, 50, sixty, xi 226, 114, 91


Espresso, every bit you can see, is an extremely dark red or brown color that is associated with black java. The colour tin can exist said to be between dark brown and black and many detect it hard to discern if it is black or brown. This color can exist somewhat described as a absurd colour even though it has a carmine undertone, as there is a noticeable dissimilarity when placed next to more vibrant warm colors.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Colour
Espresso #3c2218 0, 43, 60, 76 threescore, 34, 24

Espresso Earth Tones

Clay Color

At that place is a multifariousness of clay types and as well unlike colors. Beneath is an example of a gray variety, which is a warm, grayish red, and the potter's clay, which is more of a darker orange colour.

Both are considered earthy colors.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Lawmaking (%) RGB Colour Code Color
Clay #6b6867 107, 104, 103 107, 104, 103
Potter's Clay #875632 0, 36, 63, 47 135, 86, 50

Khaki Colour

This is the specific spider web color that can be described equally a desaturated orange-brown. The color proper noun, khaki, was first recorded in 1848, and then it has been around for many years. Now information technology is a well-known color for article of clothing, especially khaki or cargo pants.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Lawmaking (%) RGB Colour Code Color
Khaki #c3b091 0, 10, 26, 24 195, 176, 145

Sand Earth Colors

Taupe Color

Taupe is a colour that can exist seen as beingness a type of brown and gray, and below is an example of a dark taupe or dark grayish-orange.

The lite taupe is simply a more than desaturated and lighter shade of orange.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Colour Lawmaking Color
Dark Taupe #483c32 0, 17, 31, 72 72, 60, 50
Calorie-free Taupe #b38B6d 0, 22, 39, 30 179, 139, 109

Brown Greyness

All the shades of gray are likewise seen as neutral as well as natural colors and can also fall nether the category of earth tones. In this example, the brown-gray has yellow undertones, making this a warm gray color.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Colour Code (%) RGB Colour Code Colour
Brown Gray #8d8468 0, 6, 26, 45 141, 132, 104

Earthy Colors

Drab Greenish Colour

Green and nature are synonymous then it can exist categorized as an globe tone. Green is often associated with existence calming, healing, and soothing.

The color below is more of a moderate green that has more of a slight red undertone.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Colour
Drab Green #749551 22, 0, 46, 42 116, 149, 81

Rust Color

This color can be described as being reddish-brown, or a stiff orange equally in the case below. However, information technology can also be crimson-yellow simply is the colour that most represents fe oxide or the rust that forms on metal.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Colour Lawmaking Color
Rust #b7410e 0, 64, 92, 28 183, 65, 14

Rusty Earth Tones

Best World Tone Color Palette Combinations

When trying to work out what colors work well together, the all-time style to practice this would be to look at a colour wheel. This visual representation volition help yous figure out what colors get well with each other. All the same, dark-brown in itself cannot be institute on a traditional colour wheel that is often used by painters using pigment colors.

Brown is a alloy of primary as well as secondary colors, and on a mod color wheel, it is described as a nighttime ruddy or deep shade of orange.

Globe tones work well with each other, so your browns and greens and reds and blues, as well as white, greyness, blackness, and other neutral colors, should course adept color combinations. Gray is another colour that is not on the color bike, but most grey colors take undertones, which means that it could be reddish-gray or blue-greyness. This ways you can still find the color combination on the color wheel. Simply follow the principles of color theory, equally seen in the few examples beneath.

Complementary Colors

So, you take all your primary, secondary as well equally all other colors on a color wheel. Finding the best combinations depends on where these colors are positioned. For case, if the brownish colour is described as a night red, and then 1 of the popular combinations, known as complementary colors, would exist dark carmine and a dark cyan color, which sits opposite the red hue.

Earth Color Combinations

This works the same for all colors. Complementary colors are colors that help each other stand out, there is a dissimilarity. When dealing with 2 or more of such colors in a blueprint, it is all-time to select a single main color from your color palette then use the other colors as accents, which ways you use them sparingly. This helps to prevent colors from competing with each other and becoming overwhelming.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Dark-brown #a52a2a 0, 75, 75, 35 165, 42, 42
Cyan #2aa5a5 75, 0, 0, 35 42, 165, 165

Analogous Colors

This is another color combination that works and involves using colors that are located close together on the color wheel. These colors tend to work harmoniously and are piece of cake on the eyes. In general cases, this usually involves 3 colors.

However, you can besides become up to four or five colors inside this category.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Colour Code (%) RGB Color Lawmaking Color
Night Pink #a52a68 0, 75, 37, 35 165, 42, 104
Dark-brown #a52a2a 0, 75, 75, 35 165, 42, 42
Dark Orange #a5682a 0, 37, 75, 35 165, 104, 42

Monochromatic Colors

This color combination is likewise like shooting fish in a barrel on the eyes as the colors piece of work harmoniously and do not fight each other to get your attention. This colour combination works from a single color, and from this colour you have variations of hue.

Shade Hex Lawmaking CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Very Night Ruby-red #681a1a 0, 75, 75, 59 104, 26, 26
Brown #a52a2a 0, 75, 75, 35 165, 42, 42
Moderate Red #d14a4a 0, 65, 65, 18 209, 74, 74

Monochromatic Earth Tones

Triadic Colors

Triadic colors are similar to your complementary colors and class a contrast. In this case, the colors tin be located by choosing your primary color and then finding the colors that are as spaced from it, forming a triangle shape.

Shade Hex Lawmaking CMYK Color Lawmaking (%) RGB Color Code Colour
Nighttime Bluish #2a2aa5 75, 75, 0, 35 42, 42, 165
Brown #a52a2a 0, 75, 75, 35 165, 42, 42
Nighttime Lime Green #2aa52a 75, 0, 75, 35 42, 165, 42

How to Mix Earth Colors With Acrylics

When working with paints, you tin can accomplish an earth tone by blending one of the primary colors with its complementary color. For example, yellow and purple or greenish and blood-red. So, green, and ruby-red should produce a dirty blazon of dark-brown, by adding in a picayune redder, you tin can create a deeper brown color. Yous tin too mix all of the primary colors, which include blue, red as well as yellow. This should give yous a nighttime brown, almost black color.

Mixing Earthy Tones

It is always a good idea to experiment when blending colors and to create your ain colour palette reference as you lot work. This is and then you can achieve the exact colors you alloy when you are busy painting again sometime in the hereafter.

Many artists prefer to blend their colors from scratch, which includes earth colors. Nonetheless, at that place are many earthy paint colors bachelor in a tube. Using these can salvage you fourth dimension from having to mix colors from the showtime. Some of these colors y'all can purchase include:

  • Raw sienna
  • Yellow ochre
  • Burnt umber
  • Vandyke brownish
  • Sepia
  • Venetian crimson
  • Indian red

Sepia is an extremely dark brown and you lot tin can hands mix this color by adding very small amounts of ultramarine blueish or black to burnt umber or burnt sienna. Some other mode to create a dark and rich brown is to mix burnt umber with a permanent rose. You lot could also endeavour burnt sienna and ultramarine bluish.

You tin can experiment with the ratios when blending your own earth colors, this will aid y'all to understand color theory ameliorate than if you simply used earth tone paints.

Earth Tone Color Schemes for the Home

As we take learned, at that place is a wide assortment of earth tones from terra cotta and shades of brown to grayness, bluish, and light-green colour varieties. When working with earth tones for interior blueprint, the best tip is to include plenty of texture and contrast. Earth tones, when used correctly, tin can exist both modern besides as elegant.

Earthy colors are a popular choice for any room in the abode, but to provide a welcoming feeling, they are commonly used in living areas, where almost people gather and entertain. Earth tones can as well provide an uplifting atmosphere to a space. Earthy colors are also rubber to use and will never become out of fashion and are perfect for those who wish to complement their surrounding environment. These colors are ideal, particularly if you lot desire to utilise earth tones on the outside of your business firm.

Earth Colors in Interior Design

You could go with various shades of dark-brown as your colour scheme. Yous can cull annihilation from chocolate brownish to latte and almond to create a cozy and natural look. If you practise use various shades of brown, you should consider keeping the aforementioned temperatures with different undertones. The different undertones proved a more than layered look. You can also include a hint of green or blueish to create more contrast.

If yous are not a fan of the brownish family of colors, blue is a favorite color for many, as it is calming and soothing. Y'all likewise have various shades of blueish that can also include hints of dark-green. Many would recommend using muted earth tones for this color scheme that possesses a grayish undertone. Absurd grey-green tones can exist another selection. Any color palette yous want to use, whenever decorating with whatever color, e'er consider choosing a main or base color, and to this add together your accent colors.

Beneath are a few examples of world tone color schemes.

Gray and Burnt Orange

Muted earth tones are popular and create a feeling of warmth, inviting people into the space. The warmer color tin work well with the absurd grays and brilliant whites. For instance, consider a gray couch with burnt orange cushions and white walls. You tin further bring in warmth with wooden floors and tables. Recollect virtually adding in a textured and patterned grey rug.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Color Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Cool Gray #b8bccc x, eight, 0, twenty 184, 188, 204
Burnt Orange #a35015 0, 51, 87, 36 163, lxxx, 21

Terracotta Earth Colors

Clay Colors

Clay colors are a favorite amongst many and bring in a spicy and warm feeling. These colors are unremarkably muted globe tones that are less vivid than your vibrant reds and oranges. These colors contain a hint of brown that helps make them feel cozy and inviting. Colors like terra cotta or rust can be brought in in many ways, for example, how near floor tiles?

Not just will information technology bring in some warmth, just information technology can also add a Castilian or Mediterranean feel to a infinite.

These colors also brand great paints for walls, nevertheless, you can too bring touches of color in, if you lot are non overly fond of too many of these colors. For example, tables, terracotta pots, patterned rugs, or wall tiles. Nature tin easily provide you with many ideas, for example, the earthy tones work well with shades of blue. These colors tin work throughout the house but are an especially nice improver to bathrooms and bedrooms.

Shade Hex Code CMYK Colour Code (%) RGB Color Code Color
Terra cotta #e2725b 0, 50, 60, 11 226, 114, 91
Muted Bluish-Grey #83a1cd 36, 21, 0, 20 131, 161, 205

Taupe and Natural Elements

Taupe is quite a pop natural color and is perfect for walls. The taupe color can work wonderfully equally your base of operations color, from which you can include white, shades of bluish, greens, and other neutral colors. Taupe is too peachy for using with natural elements similar wooden tables chairs or floors, wicker items, and plants.

Shade Hex Lawmaking CMYK Color Lawmaking (%) RGB Colour Code Color
Taupe #a08a77 0, 14, 26, 37 160, 138, 119
Soft Blue #778da0 26, 12, 0, 37 119, 141, 160

Tips for Working With Earthy Tones in the Dwelling

Globe tones are relatively easy to work with when compared to other more vibrant colors in the home. Nonetheless, some ideas tin can make information technology fifty-fifty easier, so here are a few to get you started, try them out the next time you lot are using an earth tone color scheme.

  • When choosing the chief color, consider a neutral world tone, i that works well with well-nigh everything. For instance, a shade of beige with grayness undertones.
  • Make use of texture in a room by calculation in other natural elements. For example, you can choose leather couches or wooden window blinds.
  • Add textiles, this is too some other style to include texture. For example, a beautiful rug or curtains.

What Are the Earth Colors

  • Accessories can also have an earthy experience to them, for example, including a terra cotta vase or other ceramic items. Yous tin besides add in glassware of various natural colors.
  • Apply vases to bring in nature, by including plants and other greenery. Hanging plants are also a great idea.
  • If you want artwork, you can choose something that is nature inspired. For example, a photograph of a forest or a painting of mountains. Yous tin can take these elements and create your blueprint around them.
  • Lighting in a room is important and can make a big difference. This is especially so with darker tones, so make sure y'all have plenty natural light and other sources of calorie-free. Consider adding mirrors to assist.

An earth tone colour palette contains colors that bring us closer to a more than natural look when designing with them. The colors are versatile and are a popular choice, and then you can never go wrong when choosing an globe tone color scheme.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are the Globe Colors?

Earth colors tin can be a few ideas, the most obvious 1 being that these are earth colors or colors that have brown within them. Earth tones tin can also exist all colors found in nature, including blueish, light-green, grey, ruby, and orange colors.

Are Neutral Tones Too Bawdy Colors?

Neutral colors, which include blackness, gray, white, beige, brown, tan, taupe, and cream, amongst others, can also fall under the category of earth colors. All these colors should piece of work quite well together.

Will Earth Tones Ever Go Out of Style?

Some trends come and go, and this includes designing with certain colors. A color can trend for some time but so goes out of style. When it comes to earth colors, they seem to be more constant as many designs are grounded with neutral or earth tones. So, earthy colors remain in style, no matter what season.


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